Tuesday, September 23, 2008

work is too much fun

So at work I'm always looking up inspirations...I was looking up tigers and decided to search deformed tigers...and LIGHT BULB!!! there was my new inspiration:

This precious photograph of a deformed tiger-

and came up with this for active wear-

I thought it would've sold. Don't you???

Monday, September 22, 2008


so it tells me i'm a book worm (which i'm already aware of)
and a loner (which is also true)
how nice -__-

Saturday, September 13, 2008


I <3 stop motion videos. They are always fun to watch.

The Science of Sleep is a Must see

Monday, September 1, 2008


So I just got back from a cruise to Ensenda and on the trip there was a tiny tv in our stateroom. Before going to sleep there was a show on: The Jim and Derrick show..it reminded me of Tim and Eric's awesome show and turns out it is a show within the show. Anyways there was this hilarious video playing.

HAHHA the crazies